Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fashion meets Blogger

What's your motivation? We often search for things out of our way or from a distance, when in reality, some things are right under our nose. In this case, I'm speaking about fashion and bloggers. They go hand and hand when you think about it-- bloggers consistently keep you up to date on all the hot new trends. If it wasn't for the designers, the bloggers wouldn't have anything to blog about, right? On Saturday, December 8th at 4pm local fashion will meet fashion bloggers at K'PreSha Boutique in Memphis, TN. The purpose of this event is to introduce local fashion bloggers to the local fashion talent in the Memphis metro area. Designers (clothing/shoes/accessories) should bring product and any press related information in hopes to peak the interest of bloggers in local fashion. This is a great event to retain talent here in Memphis and get designers more exposure throughout the metro area. So, make your way out to this cool event and connect with your motivation. As always, enjoy and stay FRESH!!

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