Saturday, March 31, 2012

And the Award Goes to...

Hard work pays off, but you get what you give. You have to put in work every day to get what you want out of life. But, while it is good to receive, it's even better to give. I live my fresh lifestyle in hopes that I will inspire people to do the same.

My hard work and dedication paid off recently when I was nominated for a 2012 Jefferson Award for Public Service presented by The Commercial Appeal. The Jefferson Award began in 1972 with a mission to recognize, inspire, and activate volunteerism and public service in communities, workplaces and schools across America. The awards are presented on two levels--national and local-- to recognize those unsung activists in a community near you. In Memphis, this year's local awards ceremony was held at the historic Peabody Hotel.

Amongst many notable guests, food, drinks, and music provided by the Whitehaven High School orchestra, the atmosphere was fresh in itself. I was excited to be a nominee among other local community contributors and humbled just to be considered for such a prestigious award. The inspirational stories about the great deeds each of the honorable winners had accomplished were amazingly heart warming. Overall, there were 10 awards presented-- each with a Jefferson Award medallion and a five hundred dollar donation in their honor made to the non-profit of their choice.

I was fortunate to be named one of the 2012 Jefferson Award winners, which I consider a huge honor but more so motivation to do more. I live by the motto "I would rather help you, than hurt you,"knowing that simply lending a helping hand can change someone else's day, life, or future. Success should not be dictated by what you have, but what you give and do for others. As I have learned along the way, the road to success may not be easy, but the memories of the journey will last forever. Work hard and stay FRESH!!

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