Thursday, June 14, 2012

Patriotic Fashion

Everybody give it up for the red, white, and blue. Have you ever noticed how proudly some people show off their national pride with an American flag? Not only is it our nations most well-recognized patriotic symbol, but some have taken it to a new level- a fashion trend. In the U.S.A., June 14th marked Flag Day. Historically, this holiday commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. There are several parades, government observances and festivities surrounding this holiday, but in modern times you are almost more likely to see an American flag coming down the runway.  From t-shirts, shoes or even dresses replicating the American flag, our generation makes a fashion statement and shows our patriotic heart at the same time. The classic red and white stripes and blue and white stars have already lasted more than 225 years, so the good thing about this fresh trend is that our country's flag can never go out of style. Represent and be proud of the flag, because many people have fought hard to keep it standing tall. As always, enjoy and stay FRESH!!!

Halle Berry spotted wearing an American flag dress.

American flag Jeremy Scott Adidas.

American flag shirts are a very popular trend.

American flag women leggings are great for the summer.

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