Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Memphis Urban League (YPConnect Networking Mixer)

It's a small world, but it's even smaller when you hustle. As a young professional, it's important that you connect and meet other individuals with common interests as yourself. The world is much bigger than your inner circle, so it's imperative that you get out of your comfort zone and take chances. Those chances can turn into opportunities that may help you in the long-run. I, for one, have taken chances and met many people through those experiences, and some of those great indiviuals have led me to join the Memphis Urban League Young Professionals. On Tuesday, October 9th, I attended the YPConnect networking mixer-- a monthly networking session of Memphis young professionals. This event was a evening of meeting new people, great music, and food held at downtown Bleu, one of city's most stylish restaurants. They even gave away free Memphis Grizzlies tickets to the next home game. How cool is that? I was able to connect with many young professionals and learn a little about them and what they do on a daily basis. Sometimes it's not what you know, but who you know. I had some great conversations with so many people that I ended up running out of business cards from passing them all out. (lol) In today's society, it's good to network to increase your net worth. So, if you would like to know more about the Memphis Urban League Young Professionals visit their facebook page here. As always, enjoy and stay FRESH!!

The mixer is a great place to be engaged and meet new people.

There was a very diverse crowd as well.
Civic Engagement Chair, Cynthia Daniels, and I.

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