Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Occupy the Vote 2012

Let your voice be heard. The right to vote wasn't always available for anyone to do so. Now, the time is more important than ever to exercise your right to vote. With the upcoming election, Americans will choose the next president of this country. There have been debates and many campaign ads to get the message out on the importance of this election. Although it is important who you choose, it's more important that you get out and vote. Your voice does matter and it can be the determining factor on this year's election. Your vote is your voice, so if you want to make a difference make sure you go to the polls on election day--November 6th. The National Urban League has developed a civic engagement campaign to "Occupy the Vote" and repeal unnecessary barriers to voting. Check out the video below and make sure you let your voice be heard. As always enjoy and stay FRESH!!

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