Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Feeling How You look

What is style??

First impressions are lasting impressions. Your look is the work of years-- changing trends, different hairstyles, but more importantly, it is permanently stamped on you by what you have done over the course of your entire life. This is one stamp that is not so easy to get rid of. So I ask, what is the message you want to convey with your style when you're seen?

First, you have to realize and understand your own personal style. "Style" being the visual appearance of a work of art-- you being the canvas. Most people relate style to fashion, which in simple terms means what poplar style in clothing, foot wear, or accessories are you wearing. To my initial point, while it is key to realize what your style is, it is more important to understand that the person makes the clothes-- not the other way around. As the Connoisseur of Fresh, I try to convey a positive message through my style, which by my definition is "urban with a clean cut outlook." Every morning I wake up with a positve attitude and a mindset that I will accomplish all of my goals for that day and live by my personal style message,"Feeling How I Look...Always." Something as simple as a personal style message can motivate how you are feeling at any given time and even alter the way people treat you.  These are the lasting impressions that leave marks on people and the style that can often define your character as a person.

During my journeys, I have met many people with different styles, and as a result encountered many fresh lifestyles and learned from other's personal messages. I was able to talk it up with Loyalty Films to share a quick glimpse into my fresh lifestyle....  Enjoy and stay FRESH!!

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