Monday, December 19, 2011

It takes a village to raise a child

It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child. Today, positive influences and great leaders are overshadowed by the negative perceptions that our youth are often labeled. Brand Name has a mission to inspire and educate through service.We did just that this past Saturday with part I of The Community Come-Up Project-- a reality check and uplifting forum. This first forum empowered our youth to become great leaders. We had group discussions, educational activities, and goal sheets that illustrated a theme of past, present, and future. My goal was to get the youth to learn from their past, deal with their present, and prepare for their bright future. Our guest speaker, Mr. Charlie Caswell (Excutive Directive of Rangeline CDC), gave inspirational words of wisdom.This was definitely a treat if you missed it. So, get prepared as we continue to host more forums and join together as we work to make an impact on our youth. Enjoy and stay FRESH !!

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