Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year! We have made it to yet another wonderful year with beautiful memories of the past year behind us. Each year, we reflect on how things of that year have changed for us, and it's always good to reflect on how far one has progressed. In a world where change is inevitable, the direction of change is key. You always want to put yourself in a position to improve your life everyday. Ask yourself, "what is your purpose?" How can you make YOU better? We all go through different journeys to become the person we're going to be for the rest of our life. As the new year goes forward, try to set goals and achieve them. Remember, being "FRESH" has a deeper meaning-- one that has a history, stirs up a feeling, represents a person from the inside out. So when I ask, "are you fresh?," I'm really asking who you are. Think about it. Like always, enjoy and stay FRESH!!!

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